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How to Teach Mindfulness to Kids: 26 Fun and Easy Ways to Get Started!

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Though mindfulness has only recently been brought to the attention of educators and psychologists in the west, it has been taught in Buddhist monasteries for centuries.

There is a great deal of research that supports the use of mindfulness with adults, and there is mounting evidence to suggest that mindfulness skills can be beneficial for children as well.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to teach mindfulness to preschoolers. We will provide 26 fun and easy ways to get started!

What is Mindfulness- What Does Mindfulness Mean for Kids?

Mindfulness is the quality of being aware and present in the moment.

It is about learning to pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment.

Mindfulness for kids typically refers to teaching children how to focus on the present moment and be aware of their thoughts and feelings.

This can help them learn how to control their reactions and deal with difficult situations in a more effective way.

For children, mindfulness can be as simple as paying attention to their breath or the sensation of their feet on the ground while they walk.

Mindfulness can help improve focus, concentration, attention span, emotional regulation, communication skills, and more.

It is a great tool for helping kids cope with stress and anxiety.

Families who practice mindfulness together reap the benefits of better communication and strengthened relationships.

Mindfulness does not need to be complicated or time-consuming. In fact, mindfulness can be practiced anywhere and at any time!

The Benefits of Mindfulness for Children

Research has shown that mindfulness can help children with a variety of issues including:

• Improved Focus and Concentration

Mindfulness improves focus and concentration by teaching children how to "pay attention on purpose."

In a world where technology constantly pulls us in different directions, it is more important than ever for children to learn how to focus their attention. Mindfulness allows them to do just that.

When children learn to focus their attention through mindfulness, they are able to better control their thoughts and emotions.

This improved focus leads to an increase in concentration span and an ability to stay on task.

Mindfulness also helps to improve sensory processing, which can lead to increased focus and attention in class.

• Increased Self-Awareness

Mindfulness helps children increase their self-awareness in a number of ways.

First, mindfulness teaches children to be aware of their thoughts and feelings and to recognize when they are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

This enables them to take steps for self-regulation and impulse control which can lead to healthier emotional relationships.

Secondly, mindfulness helps children develop a stronger sense of identity and self-confidence.

By paying attention to their own thoughts and emotions, children learn to trust their own judgment and intuition, which can boost their self-esteem.

Finally, mindfulness can help children become more aware of their physical sensations and body movements.

This can improve posture, coordination, and body image, which can in turn boost self-confidence.

Overall, mindfulness helps children become more aware of themselves both mentally and physically, which can lead to a more confident and contented childhood.

• Greater resilience in the face of stress and adversity.

Mindfulness has been found to be a very effective tool in helping children become more resilient in the face of stress and adversity.

It teaches them how to focus their attention on the present moment, which helps them stay in control of their emotions and thoughts.

When children learn to be mindful, they are able to better manage difficult situations and stressful events.

They learn how to regulate their reactions, remain calm under pressure, and think more clearly.

Mindfulness also helps children build stronger relationships with others, as they are better able to communicate and connect with others in a meaningful way.

Here is a helpful article 17 Tips on How to Help Your Child Become More Resilient

Parenting tips and Hands on games & Activities for kids for 4-8 years old.

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  • Improved Social Skills

Mindfulness can also help children to develop stronger social skills.

When children are mindful, they are better able to pay attention to their own thoughts and feelings, as well as the thoughts and feelings of others.

This allows them to build empathy and compassion for others, which leads to more positive social interactions.

Mindfulness helps children to regulate their emotions, which can make them more patient and understanding with others.

It helps children to communicate more effectively, as they are better able to express their thoughts and feelings calmly and clearly.

Mindfulness has also been found to reduce aggression and bullying in children.

Here is an article on Simple Games and Activities to Boost Your Child's Social Skills

How Can Parents Explain Mindfulness to Preschoolers?

One of the best ways to explain mindfulness to young children is through stories and examples.

You can use books, songs, and games to help them understand what it means to be aware and present in the moment.

It can also be helpful to explain mindfulness in terms of the five senses.

You can ask your child to pay attention to what they see, smell, taste, feel, and hear in the present moment.

For example, you could ask them to close their eyes and describe everything they can hear around them.

What is the Best Way to Teach Mindfulness to Kids?

  • The best way for teaching mindfulness to children is to lead by example.

You can introduce mindfulness by practicing mindfulness yourself in everyday life.

Model the behavior you want to see in your child.

When you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a few minutes to stop and breathe.

Demonstrate self-control and how to stay calm during challenging moments.

Invite your child to join you and explain what you are doing.

Here is an article How To Be A Good Role Model To Kids-15 Characteristics

  • It is also important to be patient and keep your expectations realistic.

Mindfulness is a skill that takes time and practice to develop.

Do not get discouraged if your child does not seem interested at first or if they have trouble paying attention.

With time and patience, they will get the hang of it!

Mindful Parenting Tips

In addition to leading by example, there are several other things you can do to support your child as they learn to be mindful.

Here are a few tips:

-Listen with Curiosity.

When your child is talking to you, resist the urge to offer advice or fix their problem.

Instead, listen with curiosity and show them that you value their thoughts and feelings.

-Accept Imperfection.

Mindfulness is not about being perfect. It is about accepting ourselves and our experience just as it is.

Encourage your child to do the same by accepting their mistakes and offering compassion instead of criticism.

-Make Time for Mindfulness.

Set aside some time each day to practice mindfulness together.

You can start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the amount of time as you both become more comfortable.

26 Mindfulness Activities for Children

  1. Mindful Walking.

Invite your child to take a walk with you and pay attention to the sensation of their feet on the ground.

They can also focus on their breath or the sights and sounds around them.

2. Body Scan.

Lie down on the floor and invite your child to do the same.

Then, guide them through a body scan by helping them focus on each part of their body from head to toe.

3. Mindful Eating.

Sit down with your child and eat a snack or meal together mindfully.

Encourage them to take small bites and chew slowly while they pay attention to the taste, texture, and smell of their food. for example, salty, sweet, sour, or bitter.

4. Sensory Bottle.

To make a Sensory Bottle, fill a small jar or bottle with rice, beans, or water and add a few drops of food coloring.

Invite your child to shake the bottle and then watch as the colors swirl around.

5. Bubble Blowing.

See this content in the original post

This is a classic mindfulness activity that children always seem to enjoy!

Invite your child to blow bubbles and pay attention to the sensation of the air on their lips, the feel of the wand in their hand, and the sound of the bubbles popping.

6. Playdough

This is another great activity for exploring the senses.

Invite your child to explore the smell, texture, and feel of the play dough. They can also use cookie cutters or their hands to roll, squish, and pound the dough to create different shapes.

7. Mindful Art.

There are many ways to be mindful while creating art.

Encourage your child to pay attention to the sensation of the paintbrush on the paper, the sound of the crayon scratching the paper, or the way the colors mix together.

8. Yoga.

Yoga is a great way to encourage mindfulness in children.

There are many yoga poses that are perfect for kids, such as the tree pose, downward dog, and warrior pose.

Encourage kids to try out each pose and pay attention to their breath and the sensation of their bodies.

9. Tapping.

This is a simple but effective mindfulness activity that you can do anywhere.

Invite your child to sit or stand and then guide them through a tapping sequence on their head, shoulders, back, and legs. They either use just hands or tapping sticks.

As they tap, encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of their hand on their body.

10. Nature walk.

Head outside and take a walk with your child.

Encourage them to pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around them.

They can also collect leaves, sticks, or rocks along the way

11. Coloring

Coloring is a classic mindfulness activity that can be done with any coloring book or page.

Encourage your child to focus on the sensation of the pencil or crayon on the paper and the sound of the pencil or crayon scratching the paper.

They can also pay attention to their breath as they color.

12. Dancing.

Turn on some music and invite your child to dance along.

Encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of their feet moving, the rhythm of the music, and their breath.

13. Finger Tracing.

Trace your child’s outline on different surfaces.

As they do, encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of their finger on the surface.

You can try tracing on sandpaper, carpet, a soft blanket, etc.

14. Listening Game.

Sit in a quiet room with your child and invite them to close their eyes and listen carefully.

Then, start making different sounds around the room (e.g., tapping a table, crumpling paper, etc.) and see if they can guess what the sound is.

15.Blindfolded Touch.

Sit in a quiet room with your child and have them close their eyes.

Then, place different objects in their hand (e.g., a feather, a toy car, a piece of fruit, etc.) and see if they can guess what it is.

16. Mindful Breathing.

Sit down with your child and invite them to take a few deep breaths.

Encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of their breath going in and out. Breathing Exercise Cards

Fun Breathing Exercises for Children

See this content in the original post

Breathing is a great way to calm the mind and body. Here are a few fun breathing exercises that your child can do:

-Balloon Breath.

Blow up a balloon and then let the air out slowly through your nose.

Repeat this several times.

-Belly Breathing.

Put one hand on your tummy and the other on your heart.

Breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing your stomach to expand like a balloon.

Now exhale through your mouth, releasing all the air in your stomach

-Dragon Breath.

This is a fun one for kids! Pretend to be a dragon and breathe out slowly through your mouth, making a “sssss” sound.

-Candle Breath.

Sit in front of a candle and focus on the flame.

Breathe in and out slowly, counting to four as you breathe in and eight as you breathe out.

17. Sound Jar.

Fill a jar with rice, beans, or water, and add a few drops of food coloring.

Invite your child to shake the bottle and then listen to the sound of the rice or beans moving around inside.

18. Ribbon Dancing.

Tie a ribbon or scarf around your child’s waist and invite them to dance around.

As they move, the ribbon will flow behind them.

Encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of the ribbon flowing and the movement of their body.

19. Meditation .

Sit down with your child and invite them to close their eyes.

Focus on your breath and count each inhale and exhale.

Encourage your child to do the same thing.

Start with short mindfulness meditation (e.g., one minute) and then gradually increase the length of time.

20. Telling Stories.

Sit down with your child and make up a story together.

Encourage them to use their imagination and pay attention to the details of the story.

20.Clay Modeling.

Give your child some modeling clay and invite them to create whatever they want.

Encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of the clay in their hands and how it changes as they mold it into different shapes.

21. Soothing Music

Play some calming music for your child and invite them to listen mindfully.

Encourage them to pay attention to the different instruments and the way the music makes them feel.

22. Mud Play.

If you have a backyard, let your child play in the mud! Set up a sensory table or just dig up the dirt.

Encourage them to pay attention to the sensation of the mud on their hands and feet.

Squishing mud through fingers and sculpting it into shapes can be very therapeutic.

23.Water Play.

Add some clear pipes or tubes, funnels, scoops, etc., and let children pour water through different objects and watch the water flow.

The sound of the water and the movement can be very calming.

24. Cloud Watching.

Lie down on the grass with your child and look up at the clouds.

Encourage them to pay attention to the shapes of the clouds and how they change as they move across the sky.

25. Foam Bath.

Fill up a small kiddie pool or tub with foam (you can buy foam at most craft stores). Foam clay is also a good alternative.

Let your child play in the foam and pay attention to the sensation of the foam on their skin.

You can also add some toys or objects to the foam for them to find.

26.Calming Corner

Create a space in your house or yard that is just for relaxation.

You can add pillows, blankets, stuffed animal, etc.

Encourage your child to go to the calming corner when they need to take a break or calm down.

Here is an article on 7 Reasons Why All Kids Need A Calming Corner And How To Create One

Mindfulness is a great way to help children cope with stress.

How can Families Practice Mindfulness Together?

There are a number of reasons why families should practice mindfulness together.

By practicing mindfulness together, families can learn how to connect and better understand one another.

It can help families manage stress and chaos and can create a more calm and peaceful home environment.

Practicing mindfulness together can help children learn how to focus and pay attention, which can help them in school and beyond.

There are many ways that families can practice mindfulness together.

Here are a few ideas:

1. Meditation:

Have every family member sit in a circle, close their eyes, and meditate for a few minutes.

This can help relieve stress and tension and can create a more positive atmosphere within the family.

It can also help build stronger relationships by teaching patience, understanding, and compassion.

2. Yoga:

Take some time each day to do some light yoga as a family.

This can be a great way to connect and de-stress.

In addition, yoga can provide opportunities for parents to teach their children about healthy habits and how to care for their bodies.

3. Eating:

Try to eat mindfully as a family.

Instead of watching TV or scrolling through your phone, take the time to appreciate your food and chat with your loved ones.

Eating as a family can also help promote communication and cooperation, as everyone has to work together to prepare and eat the meal.

This can teach young kids important life skills, such as teamwork and problem-solving.

4. Gardening:

Get outside and garden together!

This is a great way to get some fresh air and connect with nature.

Gardening can also teach children about where food comes from and the importance of taking care of the earth.

5. Walking:

Go for a walk together as a family.

This is a great way to get moving and enjoy each other’s company.

Walking can also help improve mental health and can be a great way to de-stress.

6. Camping:

Take a weekend trip together and go camping. This can be a great way to teach your children about the importance of respecting nature, wildlife, and the environment. Camping also gives everyone in the family an opportunity to unplug from technology and connect with each other.

Here is an article with some fun campfire activities and ways to connect with nature as a family of young children.


Mindfulness is a simple, yet powerful tool that families can use to connect with one another and build strong relationships.

By taking the time to practice mindfulness together, families can enjoy many benefits, such as improved communication, reduced stress, and enhanced focus and concentration.

There are many ways to be mindful as a family, so get creative and have fun!

What matters most is that you are spending quality time together and enjoying each other’s company.

We hope you enjoyed these tips on how to teach mindfulness to preschoolers.

If you would like to share your own ideas, please leave a comment below! We’d love to hear from you!