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What are the Benefits of Sensory Play- Sensory Play Ideas for Pre-Schoolers at Home

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Sensory play is important for preschoolers' development.

It helps children explore the world around them and develop their sensory senses.

There are many benefits of sensory play, such as improved communication skills, fine motor skills, and problem-solving skills.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of sensory play and give you ideas for how you can introduce sensory play into your home!

What is Sensory Play?

Sensory play is a fantastic way to stimulate your child's five senses.

In this type of activity, you provide the young one with materials and experiences that will help them explore their world around them while developing new ones as well!.

For example,

-Touch: Play with different textures, such as sand, mud, water, or textured fabrics.

- Taste: Experiment with different flavors and foods.

- Smell: Explore different smells, such as flowers, spices, or essential oils.

- Sight: Look at different colors and shapes, or use mirrors to explore reflections.

- Sound: Make music with instruments or your own voice, or listen to sound effects or stories.

Why is Sensory Play Important for Children's Development?

Sensory play is an important part of early childhood development.

It helps children explore and understand their surroundings.

Activities that promote sensory play can help children learn about their world and themselves, as well as develop important skills like problem-solving and coordination.

The important thing is that sensory experiences are designed to engage multiple senses at once. This can help to promote a child's cognitive development, language skills, and fine motor skills.

Sensory play can also be a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Sensory play is also beneficial for children with Sensory processing disorders.

Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses.

This can cause problems with things like balance, movement, coordination, emotions, and attention.

Sensory play is beneficial for those with sensory processing disorders because it helps them to process sensory information more effectively.

Through sensory play, they can explore different textures, smells, and sounds, which can help them to better understand and respond to these stimuli.

Sensory experience can help children to learn how to tolerate different types of sensory input, which can help them to focus and behave better in school and other settings.

How to Introduce Sensory Play Into Your Home?

There are many ways to introduce sensory experiences into your home. Here are some ideas:

Book- Todd the Frog Finds the Lost Pebbles Activity Printable Numbers Garden Bugs

  • Set up a sensory table (like above) with different natural materials for your child to explore.

    This is a great way to set up learning centers e.g. a number learning centre.

  • Hide objects around the house for your child to find using their sense of smell or touch.

  • Fill clear jars with different colored liquids and let your child shake them to see what happens.

  • Make homemade sensory bags using different materials such as sand, beans, or rice. Let your child feel the sensory materials before filling the bags and then let them feel and smell to guess what material is in which bag.

  • Play music and dance around the house with your child (listening to different beats, rhythms, and pitch, and exploring how that influences your child's body movement ) Let children explore different sounds with homemade musical instruments, e.g. beating a spoon on a pot, on a pole, on something soft and then on something hard.

  • Encourage your child to get outside and explore nature. Seeing different colors, listening to different sounds (Birds chirping, buzzing of insects, the sound of airplane trucks, etc), feeling the dirt, rocks leaves under feet or touching with hands, picking flowers to smell or fruit and veggies to taste are all sensory experiences for young children.

  • Plant a small garden together and let your child touch and smell the different plants.

  • Have fun with messy play- make suds in a tub, mix dirt and water and make mud pies, and pour water through clear pipes and tubes so children can see the water flow.


7 Key Benefits of Sensory Play for Preschoolers- How Does Sensory Play Prepare Children for School

Sensory play is play-based learning that helps prepare children for school.

It allows them to explore their senses, learn about new textures, and practice important skills like counting and sorting through tactile play.

Here is an article on: Parents Guide to Quality Play Based Learning at Home

Below are seven key benefits of sensory play for preschoolers who are getting ready for school.

1. Sensory play can help to develop fine motor skills.

Activities that require children to use their hands to build or create something can help to strengthen the muscles in their hands and fingers.

This is important for activities such as writing and using scissors at school.

Examples of sensory experiences that help develop fine motor skills:

  • Playing with play dough

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By rolling, squeezing, and shaping the playdough, children can improve their hand-eye coordination and develop the muscles in their hands and fingers.

Playdough can also help to improve a child's ability to control small movements.

As children become more adept at manipulating the dough, they will find it easier to perform tasks such as writing and buttoning pants.

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  • Themed sensory bins

    Themed sensory bins with different textured materials e.g. sand, water beads, small ocean animals, and sensory tools.

    The different textures in a sensory bin can help to develop fine motor skills as children engage in this tactile play and explore and feel the differences between the materials.

    Using sensory tools, such as tweezers, scoops, or tongs, can also help to improve fine motor skills as children grasp and release the objects in the sensory bin.

2. Sensory activities can also help children to develop their gross motor skills.

Gross motor development is important for children's school readiness because it helps them to develop the physical skills they need to participate in classroom activities.

By improving their gross motor skills, children can better control their bodies and movements, which makes it easier for them to stay focused and participate in learning.

It can help children to build strong muscles and bones, which can improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Sensory activities can help improve balance and coordination by providing a variety of surfaces to walk on, textures to touch, and objects to grasp and explore.

This can be done through activities such as playing in the sand, jumping on a trampoline, or using a balance beam.

  • The balancing beam

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The balancing block is a great sensory activity that helps develop gross motor skills for preschoolers.

The varying patterns on the blocks help to challenge and engage children's sense of touch with different textures as they walk on them.

The beam is also a great way to promote balance and coordination in children.

  • Trampoline

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Trampoline can be a great sensory play experience as it is bouncy and provides a lot of stimulation to the child's senses and body awareness.

It encourages them to explore their movement abilities.

It can also promote gross motor skills by helping children to improve their balance and coordination.

3. Sensory play can promote emotional development.

Sensory activities are a great way to promote emotional development in children.

When children are allowed to explore different textures, colors, and sounds, they can learn more about their own emotions and those of others.

Sensory play allows children to learn self-regulation, and communicate their feelings through play, which can help them build strong relationships with others.

Read this for more ideas on How to Teach Kids About Feelings and Emotions.

  • Tiki Doo plush toys

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When cuddling with this soft plush toy, children can feel the heartbeat (the heart device technology).

It gives children a sense of calm & security.

This plush toy is soft and interactive and helps children find calm when big emotions bubble up.

It is also a Relaxing Companionship that helps preschoolers cope with anxiety, stress, or sleep issues.

  • Sensory Liquid Motion Timer Bubbler 

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Visually stimulating liquid motion timer immediately helps kids relieve stress and anxiety as well as decompress emotional outbursts and anger.

When angry or stressed children can shake these timers to release their tensed-up feelings and then track the bubble movement with their eyes and fingers as they practice calm breathing.

  • My Feelings Mirror

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Mirror play helps children explore their reflections and movements.

This can help with emotional development, as they learn to recognize and understand their own emotions.

Mirror play can also help with self-confidence and body image.

4. Sensory activities can also encourage cognitive growth.

Cognitive development is important for school readiness because it lays the groundwork for a child’s ability to learn.

During the early years, children are constantly developing their abilities to think, reason, and solve problems.

All of these skills are important for academic success. A child who has not developed these skills adequately may struggle in school.

Sensory activities that require children to think critically and solve problems can help them to develop important problem-solving skills and scientific thinking.

  • Sand and Water Tables

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Sand and water tables allow children to experiment with mixing quantities of sand and water to create different textures e.g. a sloppy mix, problem solve how to make that mixture more wet or dry, and measure how many more scoops of water or sand.

  • Magnetic Building Sticks & Balls

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Handling different shapes of construction pieces helps children become aware of how various shapes can fit together to create patterns and structures.

They learn about the effects of magnetic attraction and repulsion (north and south poles)

  • Shape Sorting Puzzle

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Shape sorting puzzles allow children to explore the geometric shapes with hands as they explore ascending or descending sizes, colors, and patterns.

5. Sensory play supports language development.

Activities that involve using verbal and nonverbal communication can help children to expand their vocabulary and learn new ways of expressing themselves.

For example, children can learn new words to describe the textures, colors, and tastes they experience during sensory play.

As children engage in sensory activities, they have opportunities to practice using descriptive language.

Describing what they see, feel, and taste helps children to develop their vocabulary and communication skills.

Language development plays a vital role in preparing children for school.

When children can communicate effectively, they can ask for help when they need it, participate in class discussions, and follow the instructions of their teacher.

In addition, strong language skills can help children learn more effectively in all subjects.

By developing their language skills, children are setting themselves up for a successful school experience.

  • Felt-Board Story

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Felt Board Story gives children an opportunity to re-tell a story in their own words while experimenting with new words, and sentence structures.

It helps children to use their imaginations and create their own stories.

This helps them to improve their language skills as they learn to express themselves more clearly. ( Note: this felt board can be used in conjunction with the BOOK- Todd the Frog Finds the Lost Pebbles)

  • Busy Book for Kids

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Busy books for kids help with language development by providing a fun and interactive way for children to learn new words and phrases as they manipulate the little pieces on and off the book.

The colorful pictures and engaging activities help keep children interested in learning, which can improve their language skills over time.

6. Sensory play fosters social interaction.

Activities that involve working with others can help children to develop social skills such as sharing, turn-taking, and cooperative play.

Social skills are an important part of preparing children for school.

Good social skills help a child make friends and feel comfortable in new situations.

They also help children learn and behave in a way that is acceptable in a school setting.

Children who have good social skills are more likely to have a successful school experience.

  • Dramatic play

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Dramatic Play is a great way to stimulate the senses.

It allows children to use their imagination and sensory skills while playing.

There are many different types of dramatic play, each providing its own set of benefits.

Some popular types of dramatic play include dress-up, pretending to cook or bake, and playing house.

No matter what type of dramatic play your child enjoys, it is sure to provide them with hours of fun and sensory stimulation.

7. Finally, sensory play can simply be enjoyable!

Children often intuitively know what activities are stimulating and satisfying for them, so letting them guide the way can result in some joyful experiences.

Play helps children develop positive attitudes toward learning because it allows them to explore their interests and abilities in a fun and relaxed environment.

This can boost their confidence and make them more eager to learn new things.

In addition, play provides opportunities for children to collaborate with others, practice problem-solving skills, and develop social skills.

All of these are important factors in establishing a positive attitude towards learning and getting them ready for success at school.

Here is a helpful article: Parent Guide -How To Be School Ready With Play


Sensory play is a great way for children to explore their senses and learn about the world around them.

It is also beneficial for language development, social skills, and problem-solving.

Most importantly, sensory play is enjoyable! So go ahead and let your child get messy, try new things, and have fun!