Why Doing Everything for Your Child Is Actually Hindering Their Development

It can be hard to say no to our children.

We want to make them happy and give them everything they want.

However, sometimes doing too much for our kids can actually have negative consequences for their development.

One such consequence is the development of learned helplessness in children.

In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of doing everything for your child.

We will also offer some tips on how parents can stop overdoing things for their kids and allow them to learn and grow in their own way!

Why Do Some Parents Do Everything for Their Child?

Parents often take on a lot of responsibility when it comes to the lives of their children - sometimes doing so much that it seems like they are doing it all for them.

In these cases, parents may be motivated by a number of factors, such as

  • Want their child to achieve success or feel that their own educational and career achievements weren’t good enough, so they want more for their children.

  • They may believe that if they try to anticipate obstacles in their child's path, they can save time and help them excel more quickly.

  • Wanting to spare them from hardships and struggles.

  • Some parents may just have a difficult time letting go, as parenting is an emotional job and something you pour your heart into, no matter how old your child is.

  • Some parents may even feel like helping out a bit too much will make up for any past mistakes or perceived shortcomings on their part.

  • Or they simply believe that it's the parent's job to take care of every aspect of their child's life.

Dangers of Overparenting

When parents try to do too much for their children, they can actually do more harm than good and hinder their development in many ways.

One of the most common consequences is the development of learned helplessness in children.

Learned Helplessness.

It's brought about when children are overprotected and lack exposure to normal life experiences such as

  • solve problems,

  • decision-making,

  • or overcoming obstacles.

Parents who do everything for their child, don't allow them to develop:

  • problem-solving skills,

  • resilience,

  • and self-confidence.

By not providing the necessary autonomy in their childhood, children can become:

  • discouraged with life.

  • lack the motivation to take risks.

  • or explore new opportunities later on.

In addition to learned helplessness, doing too much for your child can also lead to:

  • lower academic performance,

  • increased reliance on parents,

  • and difficulty forming relationships with peers.

How Can Parents Stop Overdoing Things for Their Kids?

It's important to remember that our children need to learn how to take care of themselves and make their own decisions.

Here are some tips for helping them do just that:

Allow your child to make mistakes and experience the consequences of their actions.

Allowing a child to experience failure and mistakes is one of the most important steps in their overall development.

Mistakes actually help children understand decision-making in a more tangible way.

When they can directly see the results of their choices and decisions—good or bad—they learn lessons that are difficult to teach in any other way. 

As difficult as it may be, providing the necessary space for a child to make mistakes helps build resilience and problem-solving skills - two invaluable qualities that will serve them well when they eventually venture out into adulthood.

Here is an article on 17 Tips on How to Help Your Child Become More Resilient

Having experienced failure will teach kids invaluable lessons that can be used in life going forward - failures can often offer more memorable lessons than successes!

By allowing children to face the consequences of their actions, parents can help foster an environment that allows creativity and risk-taking without outright rejection if success isn’t achieved.

Here is an article How To Teach Kids to Embrace Failure and Learn From Mistakes- 12 Ways

• Encourage them to take on new challenges and help them set realistic goals.

As parents, it's important to encourage our kids to stretch and grow. When kids take on new challenges or set goals, they're developing their ability to problem solve and be creative - skills that they need in every aspect of their lives.

By helping them evaluate their abilities and being supportive of their decisions, parents can nurture these features in their children. When possible, offer them guidance to help them find ways for reaching their goals.

Then recognize when your child does manage to tackle a challenge or reach a milestone by showing your appreciation for the hard work!

This is bound to encourage more positive behavior and create intrinsic motivation that will result in further success.

• Provide guidance but also allow them to explore and discover new things on their own.

It can be difficult for parents to balance the need to provide guidance and security for their children while also allowing them to explore, learn and make decisions on their own.

However, this is an important part of raising kids into healthy and confident adults who can make good choices independently.

Exploring and discovery help kids build problem-solving skills, develop communication abilities and gain self-confidence in taking risks.

Parents should be there to provide support when needed but also give their children space and freedom to try new things, even if they face challenges along the way.

By teaching their kids how to handle the tough moments in life confidently, parents will help equip them with essential life skills of resilience that can last a lifetime.

Here is a helpful article on How to Help Your Child Become More Resilient

• Talk with your child about their feelings, worries, and successes.

Discussing feelings, worries, and successes with your child is a vital way for parents to grow closer to them.

Spending time together provides an opportunity for both the parent and their child to better understand each other and develop trust.

Children need to be given space in their relationship with their parents—a space that allows them to express themselves without fearing judgment or criticism.

Kids will appreciate and benefit from having these conversations; they'll feel acknowledged and understood, which leads to healthier self-esteem.

Parents who are open to talking about difficult subjects as well as positive experiences can help their child positively navigate life's emotional hurdles.

Moreover, by providing an empathetic ear, parents can help their children cope with stress more effectively.

Dialogues between a parent and child provide the opportunity for both parties to support one another through all kinds of life experiences—and who doesn't want that?

How To Help Your Child Build Better Self Esteem-7 Best Preschool Activities

• Let them take ownership of their learning.

Allowing children to take ownership of their learning is an important part of helping them succeed in life.

By providing trusting, encouraging environments and having realistic expectations, parents can facilitate the independence their kids need to thrive and develop confidence.

This type of positive atmosphere encourages exploration and inquiry and gives kids a sense of autonomy that is essential for successful problem-solving throughout the stages of their lives.

Furthermore, when kids have ownership over their educational experiences, they are more likely to enjoy it, stimulating curiosity and sparking a natural curiosity as well as ensuring long-term success beyond grades.

All in all, allowing children to take ownership of their learning ensures that they gain social skills, develop a good work ethic, appreciate the knowledge and think innovatively - all invaluable qualities for success in adulthood.

Here is another great article How To Break the Cycle of Learned Helplessness in Your Child


Doing everything for your child may seem like an easy solution in the short term, but it can have long-term consequences on their growth and development.

It's important to remember that children need guidance and support, but they also need the freedom to explore and make decisions on their own.

By providing a safe, nurturing environment and letting them take ownership of their learning, you can help your child develop into a healthy and confident adult.

Start today to give your child the confidence they need to succeed in life.


Q: What are the dangers of doing everything for a child?

A: Doing too much for a child can lead to feelings of learned helplessness, where kids become dependent on their parents and lack the motivation to solve problems or face challenges. This can have long-term consequences on their growth and development, including stunting their problem-solving skills and creativity.

Q: How can parents stop overdoing things for kids?

A: Parents can help their children become more independent by providing an encouraging environment and giving them the freedom to explore and make decisions on their own. Talk with your child about their feelings, worries, and successes, and provide an empathetic ear. Also, allow them to take ownership of their learning, which can help encourage curiosity and self-confidence.

Q: What are the benefits of talking with your child?

A: Talking with your child helps foster a stronger bond between parent and child. It allows both parties to better understand each other, develop trust, and provide support. Such conversations also help children learn how to manage their emotions and cope with stress more effectively. It helps them develop social skills and a good work ethic which are essential for success in life.

ashika singh

Educator Mom Hub is Home of children’s author- Ashika Singh who writes ‘Todd the Frog’ series specifically designed for preschool children to make learning and Storytime fun for preschoolers, preschool teachers and preschool moms. She also hosts ‘Storytime with Todd the Frog’ where she reads aloud the books in Todd the Frog series. Ashika designs preschool activities, in book and activity bundles or for easy download. Being a former Early Childhood Teacher, Ashika Singh is passionate about preschool children’s learning and development and writes blog articles to support preschool moms better understand preschool behavior and wellbeing.


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