11 Guaranteed Benefits of Having a Bedtime Routine for Kids
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There’s a lot of debate about bedtime routines.
Some parents swear by them, while others believe that they are nothing more than a waste of time.
However, the truth is that there are many benefits to having a bedtime routine for kids.
Continue reading to learn the whys, do's, and don'ts about children's bedtime routines.
How Much Sleep Does Your Child Need?
Here are the Sleep needs Statistics by age Sleep Statistics - Facts and Latest Research to help you determine how much sleep your child should have each night for their better health and development.
Reference: startsleeping.org- 2022
Why Should Kids Have a Bedtime Routine?
A bedtime routine can be a great way to help kids wind down at the end of the day and get a good night’s sleep.
A consistent bedtime routine can help to cue the brain that it’s time to sleep. Research suggests that it can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders down the track.
And while bedtime routines may take a little bit of effort to establish, they can pay off in a big way by helping kids (and parents!) get the rest they need.
These benefits include:
1. Helps Them Fall Asleep Faster
When kids have a bedtime routine, they know what to expect when it’s time for bed. Good sleep habits help them to feel more relaxed and ready for sleep, which leads to falling asleep faster.
2. Promotes Consistent Sleep Patterns
A consistent bedtime routine can help to promote consistent sleep patterns. This means that your child is more likely to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This can be beneficial for their overall mental health and development.
3. Improves Sleep Quality
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A child's nightly bedtime routine can also improve sleep quality. This is because it helps to regulate the body’s natural sleep cycle. When kids have a regular night-time routine, they are more likely to experience deep and restful sleep. Here is a helpful article for further reading 7 Reasons Why Kids Sleep Routine Is Crucial For Better Mom Health
4. Reduces Bedtime Battles
If you’ve ever gone through a battle with your child at bedtime, then you know how frustrating it can be. However, having a bedtime routine can help to reduce these battles. This is because routines provide structure and consistency, which can be comforting for younger kids (and parents!).
5. Increases Daytime Alertness
When kids get enough sleep at night, they are more likely to be alert and attentive during the day. This can have a positive impact on their school performance, behavior, and overall mood.
6. It Helps to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
A child's bedtime routine can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. This is because it provides a sense of predictability and routine, which can be calming and comforting for young children.
7. It Aids in Cognitive Development
A good bedtime routine can also aid in cognitive development. This is because they provide opportunities for kids to practice self-regulation skills.
8. Good Sleeping Habits Can Improve Behavior and Mood
When kids get enough sleep, it can improve their behavior and mood. This is because sleep aids in the regulation of emotions. Well-rested kids are typically more able to cope with stress and handle difficult situations. They are also less likely to act out in negative ways, such as being angry or aggressive.
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9. A Good Sleep Routine Strengthens the Immune System
Getting enough sleep is also important for strengthening the immune system. When kids are well-rested, their bodies are better able to fight off infection and disease. This can lead to fewer sick days and an overall healthier childhood.
10. It Promotes Physical Health and Growth
Getting enough sleep is vital for physical health and growth. This is because during sleep, the body releases hormones that promote growth and development.
These hormones are also important for repairing muscles and tissues. In addition, sleep helps to regulate metabolism and blood sugar levels.
11. A Bedtime Routine Strengthens the Parent-Child Bond
Bedtime routines can be a great opportunity for parents and kids to bond.
This is because they provide quality time together that is focused on calming and relaxation. These moments can be cherished and provide a sense of security for young children.
Here is an article- What Happens When Parents Spend More Quality Time With Children
Tips (Do's)for Establishing a Bedtime Routine for Young Kids
Now that you know the benefits of having a bedtime routine for kids, here are a few tips to help you get started:
1.Get Kids Involved in their Bedtime Routine
When kids are involved in their bedtime routine, they are more likely to cooperate when it’s time for bed. This is because they will feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their sleep schedule.
Start with a Bath or Shower.
A warm bath can help to relax the body and mind, preparing them for sleep.
Try and make this a relaxing experience using soothing scents such as lavender. Kids safe Lavender essential oil is perfect for this.
Avoid getting the kids getting hyped up with chasing, squealing, or high-pitched voices.
Instead put on calming music or sing some lullaby together.
Dress in Bedtime Clothes
This routine signals to the child that it is indeed time for bed.
Choose comfortable clothes that are not too constricting.
Pajamas or shirts and shorts are perfect.
Brushing Teeth
This is an important step in promoting dental health.
It also signals to the child that the next step is to go to bed.
Make it fun by letting them choose their toothbrush and toothpaste flavor.
Let them brush to their favorite song if that keeps them calm.
2.Reading Bedtime Stories
Choose a book that your child will enjoy and make sure to read it in a calming voice.
Make this part of the routine relaxing by snuggling up together in bed.
A bedtime story is a great bonding opportunity at the end of what may have been a busy day, so make this time special.
3. Make the Bedroom Calm and Relaxing.
This means keeping noise and lights out. Creating a peaceful environment will help kids to drift off to sleep more easily and sleep longer.
If your child is afraid of the dark, leave a small nightlight on.
Using Kid's Safe essential oil can also promote a soothing atmosphere in the room for those children having difficulty falling asleep.
Here are some Kid Safe essential oil options that can be used safely to relax kids into a restful sleep every night.
Lavender -Lavender essential oil is a relaxing oil that can assist in the treatment of stress. Diffuse a few drops at night to produce a warm, peaceful atmosphere that is ideal for sleeping and rest.
Roman Chamomile- Oils derived from chamomile are also relaxing and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. The pleasant, "green," herbaceous apple-like scent will cause you to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
Calming the Child Blend -The combination of Lavender, Roman Chamomile and Mandarin Orange diluted in Fractionated Coconut Carrier Oil is a wonderful way to help your child relax and unwind before bed. This blend is meant to calm your child's mind before they go to sleep so they can fall asleep easily.
Sweet Slumber Blend -To make a soothing back and chest rub, dilute with carrier oil, or add to shampoo or bubble bath before bedtime to help calm and relax the body and mind for a good night's sleep.
4. Keep Screens Out of the Bedroom.
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Computers, phones and watching TV can all be stimulating, making it more difficult for young children to fall asleep. Try and stop screentime at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
5. Establish a Consistent Bedtime.
Kids thrive on routine, so try to stick to the same order of events each night. This will help their bodies to get into a rhythm and prepare for sleep.
5. Be Patient and Understanding.
It can take a few weeks for kids to get used to a new routine. Be patient and understanding during this process, and eventually, it will become second nature.
6.Use a Bedtime Routine Chart
Sometimes kids need a visual representation of their bedtime routine to follow it.
Creating a bedtime routine chart with your child can help to make the process fun and easy to understand.
Here is a bedtime routine poster that might work for your child.
7. Encourage Active Physical Play in the Afternoons
Running around and being active during the day will help to tire kids out, making it easier for them to fall asleep at night and stay asleep through the night.
Encourage your child to go outside, ride their bike, or run around in the backyard before dinner.
Get them involved in a sport or other physical activity that they enjoy.
8. Encourage only Quiet Play Before Bedtime
Two hours before bedtime, start to wind down the excitement levels in your house.
This means no more running around, screaming, or loud music.
Try and stick to quiet activities such as reading, puzzles, or coloring.
What to Avoid (Don'ts) for Establishing a Bedtime Routine for Kids
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There are also a few things to avoid when creating a bedtime routine for kids.
These include:
1. Don’t Make the Routine Too Long or Complex.
Keep it simple so that kids can follow it easily and don’t get overwhelmed. For example, a bath, story, and bedtime might be all that’s needed.
2. Don’t Make It Too Stimulating.
Avoid activities that are likely to increase energy levels and make it difficult to sleep. For example, avoid playing active games or eating sugary snacks before bed.
3. Don’t Be Too Rigid.
It’s important to be consistent with bedtime routines, but don’t be afraid to adjust things as needed.
For instance, if your child is having trouble falling asleep, you might need to tweak the routine or try something new. For example, adding a relaxation exercise or using a special pillow.
Relaxation Techniques for Kids with Sleep Problems
There are several relaxation techniques that can be used to help kids with sleep problems. These include:
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body. Start with the feet and move up to the legs, stomach, back, arms, shoulders, neck, and face. This helps to release any tension in the body and can be done in bed.
Belly Breathing
This exercise helps to calm the mind and body by focusing on deep breathing. Place one hand on the stomach and the other on the chest. As you breathe in, the hand on the stomach should rise. As you breathe out, the hand on the stomach should fall.
Guided Imagery
This technique involves using the imagination to visualise a peaceful and calming place. Encourage your child to close their eyes and picture themselves in a relaxing location such as lying on a beach or walking in a forest.
This helps to take the focus off of any stressful thoughts and can make falling asleep easier.
Bedtime Yoga
This is a great way to relax the body and mind for kids who have poor sleep. Many different yoga poses can be done in bed, such as a child’s pose or legs up the wall.
A calming massage can help to relieve tension and promote relaxation. Use gentle pressure and slow, circular motions.
The kids safe Sweet Slumber Blend and Calming the Child Blend are perfect to use as a safe massage oil for kids. (Read the instructions on the label carefully for mixing instructions before use)
Using essential oils can help to promote relaxation and a child's sleep. Lavender is a popular choice for bedtime as it has a calming effect on the mind and body.
Add a few drops of this Kids Safe Lavender oil to a diffuser or add it to a bath before bed.
Mindfulness Meditation
Help your child get in a comfortable position in bed and close their eyes.
Guide them through some deep breathing exercises and then have them focus on their thoughts.
If they start to worry about something, encourage them to let the thought go and focus on their breath again.
Here is an article on How to Teach Mindfulness to Kids: 26 Fun and Easy Ways to Get Started!
Snacks that Can Promote Sleep in Kids
Certain foods and drinks can help to promote better sleep in kids.
A bedtime snack should be given around 30 to 60 minutes before sleep. This will give the body time to digest the food and avoid any issues with waking up in the middle of the night.
Some Before Bedtime Good Snack Options Include:
1. Warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg
Warm milk is a traditional bedtime drink for a reason. It contains the amino acid tryptophan, which can help to promote sleep. Adding a pinch of nutmeg can further enhance its sleep-inducing effects.
2. Bananas
Bananas are a good source of magnesium, potassium, and tryptophan. All of these nutrients can help to promote sleep.
3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a comforting food that can also help to promote sleep. The carbohydrates in oatmeal help to increase tryptophan levels, which can make a young child feel sleepy.
Cherries are a rich source of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps to regulate sleep. Eating a few cherries before bed may help kids to fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly through the night.
5.Plain Yogurt
Yogurt contains magnesium and calcium, both of which can promote sleep. Plain yogurt is also a good source of tryptophan which helps to induce sleep. Adding a few berries or a small amount of honey can make it even more effective.
Establishing a bedtime routine for kids can provide them with a variety of benefits.
A regular sleep schedule will help them to get the most out of their slumber, and can also have positive effects on their behavior, mood, and overall development.
By following a few simple tips, you can help your little ones to establish healthy sleep habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.
I hope this information was helpful. Let me know what you think in the comments below!
How does sleep hygiene help with a kid's bedtime routine?
Sleep hygiene is a set of habits that can help promote better sleep. It can include things like establishing a regular bedtime, avoiding caffeine(surgery or carbonated drinks)before bed, and creating a calm environment in the bedroom. Following good sleep hygiene practices can help to make it easier for kids to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Why is it important to have a bedtime routine for kids?
There are many reasons why it’s important to have a bedtime routine for kids. A regular sleep schedule will help them to get the most out of their slumber, and can also have positive effects on their behavior, mood, and overall development.
How can I establish a bedtime routine for my kids?
There are a few simple tips you can follow to establish a bedtime routine for your kids. First, choose a bedtime and stick to it as much as possible. Secondly, create a calming environment in their bedroom that promotes relaxation. Finally, give them some time to wind down before sleep with a bath or a few minutes of quiet reading.
Can essential oils help my kid sleep better?
Essential oils can be used to promote relaxation and a child's sleep. Lavender is a popular choice for bedtime as it has a calming effect on the mind and body. Add a few drops of this Kids Safe Lavender oil to a diffuser or add it to a bath before bed.