Kids Behavior Expectation Chart


A visual representation for kids for what behavior is expected from them. With pictures and ticks for expected behavior and x for not okay behavior, this chart makes is simple for preschool and kindergarten children to understand how they should interact with others. A good teaching resource for early childhood educators or for parents of young children at home.

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A visual representation for kids for what behavior is expected from them. With pictures and ticks for expected behavior and x for not okay behavior, this chart makes is simple for preschool and kindergarten children to understand how they should interact with others. A good teaching resource for early childhood educators or for parents of young children at home.

A visual representation for kids for what behavior is expected from them. With pictures and ticks for expected behavior and x for not okay behavior, this chart makes is simple for preschool and kindergarten children to understand how they should interact with others. A good teaching resource for early childhood educators or for parents of young children at home.